Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time Travel

I think the concept of the 3-D laser scan is interesting. I mean it could definitely change and evolve our way of seeing things. The fact that we could see something before the effect of time had on it is definitely beneficial to us today. I mean it could help us make improvements to better our building and monuments when they are being built. It helps us learn from their mistakes and actually gives us the opportunity to see how things were done before our generation was alive. I think though time travel could possibly have a negative effect on our society and could create a lot of problems.

Emergent Flipbook

Flower 3

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11 TMA Redux

Artist: Sandy Skoglund

Skoglund is an artist of both photography and installations. She creates surrealist images by building an elaborate set with crazy colored furniture and objects. Once she is done building the set she photographs it with actors as her subjects. Her subjects or objects are normally a contrasting color and there is also many of the one object. Skoglund’s works of art brings two mediums together to create her own form of art. By combining these two different mediums she has gone over and above the standards set for photography and installations moving into a new era of technology.

Artist: Mary Heilmann

Heilmann is an abstract artist that combines the elements from popular culture and craft traditions. These works of art have been influenced deeply by her childhood and adolescent years. But it is what influenced those years that influences Heilmann’s works. There was the impact of her West Coast childhood, which is represented in the vibrant colors, sense of boundless possibilities and experimentation. The sense of movement and rhythm in her works were influenced by the Heilmann’s love for popular music. These influences are shown through out all of Heilmann’s works in some way or another. It is these influences of different medias that makes her work art of the digital art era.

Artist: Jason Munn

The inspiration behind Jason Munn’s art is his love of independent music and design. First Munn was creating different projects for local bands just for fun, but eventually became a full time designer. Munn designs many different products from book covers, album packaging, t-shirts and posters. The following pieces of art are examples of his versatile band poster designs. These works show how Munn likes to keep a very simple composition, often only keeping what is essential to the design. Munn’s style of art is a perfect example of digital art, where all of his works come directly from designs made on the computer. His technique though is not limited to the fact that it is all digital.

Artist: Carter Mull

The images on display are a representation of Carter Mull’s process of creating pictures through rephotographing and altering existing images. The process Mull has adapted expands the conventional definition of the medium of photography. Three of the images in this collection takes a local newspaper, the Los Angeles Times and severs as the starting point for the body of work. Using both digital and analog manipulation alters the images resulting in bursting colors and vibrant patterns. The other images in this collection represent these techniques, but using his own photography as his starting point and expanding off of them. These techniques also draw parallels between the transformation of photography and print media in the digital age.

Artist: Jack W. Stauffacher

Artist, Jack Stauffacher has always been fascinated with the craft of printing and the history of printing techniques. These three images on display here are perfect examples of Stauffacher’s experimentation with repetitive inking techniqueMarys, as well as exploring the ways in which mind hand, type, ink and paper come together. With his expression of typography it allows Stauffacher to go outside the precision of traditional typography and adopt the potential for randomness and spontaneity. The techniques are not just used in manipulating the letters, but as well the order and the angle of the image. Stauffacher has taken everyday typography and made it thoughtful art.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Foursquare Articles and Parents of the Future

I think it is an invasion of privacy even when it is your own parents to know your exact location at any given time. I think parents should be able to trust their child, as long as there is good communication between child and parent there should definitely be no reason for parents to "spy" on their children. I grew up in a household that as long as we informed our parents of where we were going and who we were with, they trusted us. There was never an instance where I had to lie to my parents because I knew they were okay with anything I was doing that was reasonable and responsible. Now if there have been times that have shown the parents they can't trust their child then I might understand parents monitoring their child, but I don't think it should have to go to that. I don't agree with a non-obtrusive and safe cybernetic implant. I understand it is to monitor the child's health, but i think it would be used in the wrong sense, mainly to track if any illegal substances were going into their child's system. Again I think that goes back to the whole trust and communication thing. I think parents need to have a good relationship with their children where they can trust them because of the good communication they have with one another. Other issues looming in the near future for would-be parents I think are internet safety, for example social networking sites.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You


I believe the concept behind these avatar-based social networking sites, the idea of having fun and getting to do whatever you want with no restrictions is a fun thing. But at the same time I find it a little ridiculous that a grown woman or man is actually spending money like $40 to have $10,000 virtual dollars to spend on anything they want. It is not like your ever going to see the clothes and jewelry you bought, it will be in the computer, but that is it. And to read that people are "buying" everything from a clothes collection that Beyonce would be jealous of to helicopters to fly them to their island every weekend, you still have to spend some money on the game, which means they are still spending money. In the article there was big talk about the recession and even though people are cutting back on everything they buy, they are still willing to spend the money a virtual person. I think the people spending money on a virtual person don't have their priorities straight if they are trying to cut back and save some money. I think that the idea of a virtual place, where you can be any person that you want is a way to have fun, but I think spending money on it is the wrong thing to be doing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to My Virtual Self: Take 2

As you can see from my last post of my welcome signs I started over, except for the chaos one which seemed to be the easiest to change to fit better. The other two new signs I rendered to fit how technology effects and has changed my hobbies which are my everyday life and virtual self.