Thursday, September 17, 2009

Virtual Self

Technology, it is something that has definitely shaped today’s world. Over 90 percent of what we do during our daily routines are revolved around technology, whether it be checking and e-mail from school or just checking the pictures of you that your friend posted on facebook. There is something about technology though that allows use to express ourselves in the way we see ourselves, but there is also a thing about technology where we can’t exact express ourselves the way we are. Through technology you may come across as one kind of person just based on text and photo, but in actuality you are different from those pictures and texts. Personally I don’t think I would be the same person without having contact with a computer. The computer has shaped how I communicate with people, which have shaped how I communicate with people outside of a computer. With the computer there is always something about that makes you feel like it is not really you, that makes you feel like you can do more that “you” would not normally do. I personally would think life would almost be better with less technology. Yeah, technology now a days is amazing, but we are too consumed by technology to recognize the natural things in life. I think because of these new advances that the human experience is changing. Children are learning at such a young age about e-mail and text messaging that they are not learning the standard basics a four and five year old should be learning. Just based on the way you can see technology and where it is taking us I think it is a good thing that the human experience is changing because of what the future has in store for us. In the end we have to face it technology is not just going to stop, it is going to continue to advance and we are going to have to advance with it.

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